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Timeline Healing (Laika līniju dziedināšana) latviešu grupām: info šeit

Timeline Healing Technique (TLHT) groups in English

I have been teaching TLHT 1 Classes in Latvia since September 2021. My first all English group was held in May 2022.

In Level 1 of Timeline Healing, we cover the basics of the technique, including the structure of the meditation and induction, what causes healing (God's Love) and how to deal with resistance in a client. The class is both for those who simply want to learn the technique for their own benefit AND for therapists who want to add TLH to their "basket of therapies." In level 1 we will pair up and practice the technique, first looking at early childhood trauma and then going to past lifetimes. We will learn three related techniques, String of Pearls, Reverse Timeline Healing and Future Timeline Linking. Toward the end of level 1, we will describe the features of level 2, which include third-party healing, ancestral and genetic issues, astral implant and entity removal, and collective timeline healing (working with groups).

Next Level 1 trainings in English (Zoom): to be announced

Level 2 training: to be announced

The cost is $240. If you want to participate or have any questions contact me [email protected]

My story here: Youtube

Meditation - connecting with the feeling of love